
我在一台机器上使用CVSNT建立了CVS库,并把项目提交到库中没有问题。 回到家修改了一些代码和配置文件,再同步项目的时候,处理到struts-config.xml时提示:

Error fetching file revisions

不明白为什么,然后上google查了一下,找到两个相关问题的地址。 一个是eclipse cvs的faq,上面关于这个问题的解释如下:

This error, or an error stating that "An error has occurred processing file", occur when the CVSNT server has been configured to use a repository prefix (also referred to as a repository alias). CVSNT provides this mechanism to allow compatibility with the Unix/Linux based command line tools. However, the CVSNT server does not properly map the repository paths that are communicated in text messages. The Eclipse CVS client relies on these text messages to provide advanced features such as synchronization and compare. In order for these features to work properly, the CVSNT server must not be configured to use a repository prefix. Instead, the full path name (i.e. D:cvsroot) must be used (see related question above). 


I've had two things that relate to this problem. 1) Window->Preferences->Team->Ignored resources includes a pattern to ignore files called 'tags' 2) the CVS/Root file used a different case to the repository listed in CVS NT. dion ? 3/24/04; 10:50:48 PM

似乎也不是这两条的原因,因为我的eclipse里关于cvs的设置从未修改过;大小写我也改过,不过还要找时间去实验室看看建库的那台机器里到底是什么样的写法(我判断不是这个原因)。 实在没办法,只能找机会在建库的机器上把这两条删掉重新添加了,甚至把库里整个项目删掉重来了。




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