最新版python安装Apache Beam失败问题和解决


为安装Apache Beam,首先下载安装了最新版python 3.12.4。


> python --version
Python 3.12.4


> pip install apache-beam
      INFO:root:copying apache_beam\portability\api\org\apache\beam\model\pipeline\v1\schema_pb2.pyi -> build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-312\apache_beam\portability\api\org\apache\beam\model\pipeline\v1
      INFO:root:copying apache_beam\portability\api\org\apache\beam\model\pipeline\v1\standard_window_fns_pb2.pyi -> build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-312\apache_beam\portability\api\org\apache\beam\model\pipeline\v1
      INFO:root:copying apache_beam\portability\api\standard_coders.yaml -> build\lib.win-amd64-cpython-312\apache_beam\portability\api
      INFO:root:running build_ext
      INFO:root:building 'apache_beam.coders.coder_impl_row_encoders' extension
      error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
      [end of output]

  note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for apache-beam
  Building wheel for pyarrow (pyproject.toml) ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error

  × Building wheel for pyarrow (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
  │ exit code: 1
  ╰─> [299 lines of output]
      <string>:34: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html
      WARNING setuptools_scm.pyproject_reading toml section missing 'pyproject.toml does not contain a tool.setuptools_scm section'
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:\Users\zhanghao\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-env-0wvk6red\overlay\Lib\site-packages\setuptools_scm\_integration\pyproject_reading.py", line 36, in read_pyproject
          section = defn.get("tool", {})[tool_name]
      KeyError: 'setuptools_scm'
      running bdist_wheel
      running build
      running build_py

按报错信息里的提示,从 https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/visual-cpp-build-tools/ 下载了最新版的vc++ buildtools仍然报错。




This error can happen when using the latest version of Python, e.g. 3.12, because the package wheels were only built for earlier versions of Python

卸载python 3.12.4,安装python 3.9.13,再重新安装beam成功。

> python --version
Python 3.9.13

> pip install apache-beam
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for crcmod, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for dill, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for hdfs, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for pyjsparser, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Using legacy 'setup.py install' for docopt, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: pytz, pyjsparser, docopt, crcmod, zstandard, urllib3, tzdata, typing-extensions, six, rpds-py, regex, pyparsing, pyarrow-hotfix, protobuf, packaging, orjson, objsize, numpy, jsonpickle, idna, grpcio, fasteners, fastavro, dnspython, dill, cloudpickle, charset-normalizer, certifi, attrs, async-timeout, tzlocal, requests, referencing, redis, python-dateutil, pymongo, pydot, pyarrow, proto-plus, httplib2, jsonschema-specifications, js2py, hdfs, jsonschema, apache-beam
  Running setup.py install for pyjsparser ... done
  Running setup.py install for docopt ... done
  Running setup.py install for crcmod ... done
  Running setup.py install for dill ... done
  Running setup.py install for hdfs ... done
Successfully installed apache-beam-2.56.0 async-timeout-4.0.3 attrs-23.2.0 ...


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